Mips How to Read Array of Numbers and Print the Largest and Smallest

One of the classical programs to build programming logic is, write a program to find the largest of three numbers. I am sure many of you have already washed this do in a variety of languages including C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Perl, Ruby, PHP, etc. This time we will do it in Java. We will first acquire the logic by understanding the flowchart of the largest of iii numbers and so we will implement a solution using the ternary operator in Java. I love this program for its sheer simplicity and how it tin can help beginners to build logic. As always, you are not allowed to use any library function which tin solve this problem directly, your main task is to build logic using primitive language tools e.yard. operators.

In Java, this problem is also used to teach how a ternary operator works, as one of the popular versions of this requires you to observe the largest of three numbers using a ternary operator.

This problem is in a similar category as to how to determine if the number is prime number. This Java program finds the largest of three numbers and then prints it. If the entered numbers are unequal and so one version of this plan returns Integer.MIN_VALUE, while others render the number itself.

By the way, the method used here is non full general and doesn't scale well for many numbers. For example, If y'all desire to find out the largest of a list of numbers say x integers then using the above arroyo is not easy, instead y'all tin utilize assortment data construction, and keep track of the largest number while comparing with other numbers.

We will also come across how we tin can use the ternary operator in Java to find the biggest of three integers. I have fabricated both method static because they are really utility method and only operates on their arguments, and I can call them from the main method directly, without creating an object of this class.

Btw, it's essentials for every programmer to know about basic data structures like an array, linked list, binary tree, hash table, and others. It helps yous to write better lawmaking and also scissure interviews, if you want to brush upwards your algorithms skills then you can likewise bring together a comprehensive Information Structure and Algorithms courses to fill the gaps in your agreement.

Logic to notice Greatest of 3 Integers

Algorithm or logic is independent of programming language. More or less they are aforementioned in every language. For example, if you lot build logic without using library method east.chiliad. only based upon standard operators and data structures e.thou. array, you lot can use them in dissimilar language.

For case, commencement logic can be used in JavaScript, C, C++ or C#. Second logic uses a special operator, known equally a ternary operator, every bit information technology has three arguments, that's why it can only be applied to languages which support ternary operator eastward.chiliad. Java. Logic to find the biggest of iii number is equally follows :

  1. Bank check if the first number is greater than the second and third, if Yes, then beginning number is largest.
  2. Check if the 2d number is greater than 2d and third, if Yes, the 2d number is the largest.
  3. Otherwise, the third number is the largest.

This is the almost simple logic of finding maximum of iii numbers, it can't exist simpler than this. By the way, there is some opportunity to improve my logic of finding biggest of 3, as you may notice, I am comparing the same numbers more than than i time. I get out that as exercise for you, but will give you some hint in the flowchart, which we will see in side by side section.

Largest of Three Numbers FlowChart

This is the flowchart of finding the largest of 3 numbers in Java, it first reads three numbers A, B, and C from the console, using utilities like Scanner. Then it first compares A confronting B, if A > B so it goes to compare A and C. If A > C, the A is the largest number, else C is the maximum number.

On the other paw, if A < B in the starting time comparing then the second comparison happens between B and C if B > C and then B is largest otherwise C is the largest number.

This logic is shown below flowchart, I am sure it's much easier to sympathise a flowchart than its description :)

How to find largest of three numbers in Java, flowchart, ternary operator

The complexity of Our Solution

If yous look at the flow chart, y'all will find that we at least need to practise two comparisons to find the maximum of 3 numbers. To understand this, you tin run across how many diamond boxes we are using in each path, there are only ii.

Then to find the maximum of three numbers, we have washed 2 comparisons, which means to find the maximum of n numbers, we demand to practice the n-1 comparison. That's why the time complexity of this solution is O(n).

Java Program to Observe Largest of Three Numbers

Here is our complete Coffee solution to this trouble. As I said before, we have two solutions, one which finds the largest of three numbers using the ternary operator and the other which uses if-else-if loop. Showtime solution is very simple as it compares numbers more than required, in the worst example it does 8 comparisons.

The second solution uses the logic from the flowchart and simply does two comparisons to find the largest of three. This example is besides user-driven, we read input from user, and and so feed them into our method to find the biggest of three numbers. You are free to ameliorate the logic, but don't forget to explicate why it's amend, this is where yous score.

            import            java.util.Scanner;            /** * Coffee programme to detect largest of iii Integer numbers.  * You tin can not utilize any library method to  * solve this problem. You lot need to build logic by yourself.  * Input : 3, 5, 7 * Output : 7 * *              @writer              Javin Paul */            public            grade            LargestOfThree{            public            static            void            primary(String            args[]) {            Scanner            cmd            =            new            Scanner(Organization            .in);            Organization            .out.println("Please enter 3 dissimilar numbers                        to find largest of them");            int            first            =            cmd.nextInt();            int            second            =            cmd.nextInt();            int            third            =            cmd.nextInt();            int            largest            =            largestOfThree(get-go, 2nd, third);            System            .out.printf("Largest of 3 numbers,                      between %d, %d and %d is %d %due north",                 first, 2d, third, largest);            int            greatest            =            greatestOfThreeUsingTernaryOperator(first,                                second, third);            Organization            .out.printf("Greatest of three numbers in Java                            using ternary operator is %d %north", greatest);            //close the scanner to prevent resources leak            cmd.close();      }            /**      * Detect largest of three numbers in Java. All iii numbers must exist      * distinct.      *      *              @param              first      *              @param              second      *              @param              tertiary      *              @render              largest of 3 numbers, or Integer.MIN_VALUE       * if numbers are not      * distinct.      */            public            static            int            largestOfThree(int            first,            int            2d,            int            third) {            if            (first            >            second            &&            offset            >            third) {            render            showtime;         }            else            if            (second            >            first            &&            second            >            third) {            return            second;         }            else            if            (3rd            >            first            &&            third            >            2d) {            return            3rd;         }            return            Integer                          .MIN_VALUE;     }            /**      * role to find largest of three numbers in Coffee using       * ternary operator      *              @param              one      *              @param              two      *              @param              three      *              @render              biggest of 3 numbers      */            public            static            int            greatestOfThreeUsingTernaryOperator(int            i,            int            2,            int            three) {            return                          (one                        >                          2)                        ?                          (one            >                          three                        ?                          1                        :                          three)                                      :                          (two                        >                          iii                        ?                          two                        :                          three);            }  }            Output            :            Delight            enter three different numbers to find largest of them            11            21            31            Largest            of iii numbers, between            11,            21            and            31            is            31            Greatest            of iii numbers in            Coffee            using ternary operator is            31            Please            enter three different numbers to discover largest of them            4            five            four            Largest            of three numbers, between            iv,            5            and            4            is            5            Greatest            of iii numbers in            Java            using ternary operator is            5            Please            enter 3 different numbers to observe largest of them            23            23            23            Largest            of iii numbers, betwixt            23,            23            and            23            is            -            2147483648            Greatest            of three numbers in            Java            using ternary operator is            23          

If you await at the last instance, information technology seems this program has some bugs, it doesn't return the correct value if all three numbers are equal, at least the first method. Can you modify this program to return the number itself if all 3 integers are aforementioned? for example in this case it should render 23. For your help, I have implemented that logic in the second version of that function, which finds largest of three numbers using ternary operator.

That'south all nearly how to observe the maximum of three numbers in Coffee. We have also learned nigh utilize of ternary operators to solve this problem. If you lot are absolute beginner and confront problem understanding logic, I suggest to take a await at the flowchart to find largest of three numbers. It's much easier to understand a flowchart than all description. It'due south said for nothing that, a picture is worth more than thousand words :). If you lot love to learn past solving coding issues, here are some of them to try your hands.

Coding Problems to learn Programming
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Write a plan to swap two numbers without using tertiary variable (answer)
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Source: https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2014/07/how-to-find-largest-of-three-integers-in-Java-program.html

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