How to Add Folder Upload for Onedrive

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Why Add Folders to OneDrive


Launched past Microsoft, OneDrive is a professional person deject service that allows users to save, upload, and share files and folders with others efficiently. Due to a gratis 5GB of storage infinite for anybody and the connectedness with Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel and PPT, OneDrive has gained lots of popularity around the world.

Since there are more and more than data in people's daily life, it's mutual to upload files and folders to OneDrive to back up data. In addition to back up information, there are other benefits you tin can get when calculation files and folders to OneDrive:

  • Easy to Access. If you add folder to OneDrive, you can admission them without the limitations of time and device. As long equally your devices are connected, y'all can view your items on OneDrive efficiently.
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel Management. You non merely can add together photos, videos, audio files and other data to OneDrive, but as well move, share, delete and perform other operations to manage your data here effortlessly.
  • Secure and Convenient. By using OneDrive, the data is encrypted in transit to foreclose your private information from leaking and tampering. Then, you don't need to worry that your privacy volition be invaded.
  • Avert Hardware Failure. Hard drives can sometimes crash, putting your information at hazard. On the other paw, this can pb to financial losses, especially for companies that continue their data on their hard drives. Whereas, adding data to OneDrive tin avoid this problem and protect your data safely.

Then, how to upload folder to OneDrive? If you are struggling with the best fashion to add file and folder to OneDrive on Windows 10 PCs and other PCs, you can refer to the following content to find out the answer.

How to Add together Folder to OneDrive

In this role, there are iv effective ways to aid you upload folder to OneDrive. If you have problems in calculation binder to OneDrive, delight keep reading the content below to find out the all-time fashion for yourself.

Way 1: Add a Folder to OneDrive without Moving by MultCloud

The all-time way to add a folder to OneDrive is past using a Free application, MultCloud, which tin can help attain this goal efficiently. MultCloud is a specialized multiple cloud storage manager that can manage all your cloud services in only one application. Every bit a professional tool, MultCloud currently supports 32 popular cloud drives in the market, including Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, MEGA, FTP, Google Photos, Flickr and and so on.

With MultCloud, you can easily upload, download, delete and share files and folders from one cloud to another. Meanwhile, you can also transfer (Cloud Transfer) and sync (Deject Sync) files from i deject to another without downloading and re-uploading as before. Now, you can read further to learn the detailed operations to add together folder to OneDrive by using MultCloud.

Tip: Before adding a binder to OneDrive, y'all are supposed to compress that folder.

Pace 1: Get to the official website of MultCloud and create an business relationship for free. Alternatively, you can create a temporary business relationship by tapping "Try without signing up".

Sign Up
Sign Up

Step 2: Head to the left sidebar, and click "Add Cloud" to add together OneDrive to MultCloud by following the instructions on the pop-up window.

Add OneDrive
Add OneDrive

Step iii: Tap OneDrive and click Upload File on the principal interface of OneDrive, and select the compressed folder you want to add to OneDrive. Side by side click Open.

Upload Compressed Folder to OneDrive
Upload Compressed Binder to OneDrive

Or, you lot can drag and drop the compressed folder to the interface of MultCloud, which will help upload the compressed folder likewise.


1. MultCloud is an intelligent service. Fifty-fifty though the calculator shuts down all of a sudden, MultCloud tin can all the same run the process in the background. Then, experience free to use this technical application to add together folders to OneDrive.

2. In improver to the uploading feature, MultCloud also offers special features like Remote Upload. For case, if you want to remote upload to OneDrive, MultCloud can do you a favor.

Way 2: Add together Folder to OneDrive by its Web App

If y'all are not using Windows x and only take a folder or a few folders to upload to OneDrive, you lot tin straight add together the folder to the spider web app of OneDrive. And then, yous can follow the pace-by-pace guidance below:

Step 1: Get to the official website of OneDrive and sign in with your Microsoft account.
Step 2: Click Upload to select Folder, and so choose the folder yous want to add to OneDrive.

Upload Folder to OneDrive
Upload Folder to OneDrive

Alternatively, you tin drag the folder and drop it to the interface of OneDrive.

Tip: You take to make sure the network connection keeps good when calculation folder to OneDrive by its web app, or the process volition be stopped and restart all over again. And that's the reason why it is recommended to upload only a few folders to OneDrive by this method.

Way 3: Add Folder to OneDrive by its Desktop App

Microsoft OneDrive comes by default with Windows ten. Thus, if you are using Windows 10, your calculator already has OneDrive installed. In this situation, the easiest way to upload binder to OneDrive is to elevate and drop the folder to the desktop OneDrive folder. Here's what you should exercise:

Step 1: Locate the folder you want to add to OneDrive.
Step ii: Drag the folder and drop it to the OneDrive folder.

Drag and Drop Folder to OneDrive Folder
Drag and Drib Binder to OneDrive Folder

Tip: This method is helpful, but it's only applicable to transfer a small folder. If not, the process may be stuck and yous need to try it once more.

Style 4: Add together Folder to OneDrive by a Control Prompt

If yous want to sync a large size of folder to OneDrive, this method tin piece of work it out hands. Nonetheless, it's maybe a picayune fleck complicated. If the above 3 methods can help you lot upload folder to OneDrive efficiently, there is no need to utilize this way. In example you need this, you tin can follow the operations below to upload binder to OneDrive by a control prompt.

Stride 1: Printing Win + R on your keyboard and type cmd.
Step two: Blazon mklink /j "%UserProfile%\OneDrive\Folder Name" "Full path of source folder" into the command prompt, and press Enter on your keyboard.

Command Prompt
Command Prompt

Tip: Proper noun the Folder Proper name in the control (eg: "Example Folder" here). And you lot should know that the proper noun of the binder can't be the same as the one that is already on your OneDrive folder. For example, mklink /j "%UserProfile%\OneDrive\TJ" "F:\TJ".

In the Stop

That's all almost the ways to add binder to OneDrive. In a word, yous can add folders to OneDrive by using its web app, desktop app, a command prompt, and through a professional cloud file manager – MultCloud.

With MultCloud, you tin can besides easily transfer files from one cloud to some other. For instance, if you lot desire to transfer files from one OneDrive business relationship to some other, the Cloud Transfer feature of MultCloud tin assistance you migrate data without frequent account shifting. What'due south more, the Deject Sync feature of MultCloud can help you sync information from one cloud to another effectively also.


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